My Fake Facebook Birthday Week
[Originally ‘reposted’ on June 5, 2017 — old blog #SomeLinksBroke]
Here’s a story about the time Facebook let me change my birthday every day for a whole week, and how I turned it into a social experiment. #TEXTWALL
Ok, so a week ago (2:00 am 8/6/11), a thought popped into my head. “I wonder if Facebook locks in your birthday on your profile?” I mean, they should! Think about it. It’s the only single true fact about everyone, other than you have a penis or a vagina. And not even every human can claim that. Odd, I know. But a social security number? Nope! Changeable. A name? Nope, everyone has more than 1. How about a Mother/Father!? Nope! Ever hear about test tube babies?
So being “of age”, there would be no reason to lie about your birthday, unless you commit identity theft. But that’s neither here nor there. On Facebook however…if it’s your birthday, your name’s on top! So I decide, my birthday’s going to be everyday. And before I crash for the night, I’m up to 3 wishes already. Congrats Maria S. You were the first, a.k.a. the fastest nice person, ever.
Saturday morning when I woke up, to my surprise, I had already received 100 wishes! Some knew right away, and called me out on it. Like my cousin Nicole HB. Obviously she knows I’m lying! Good call, sweetie. I’m glad you’re paying attention. You’re mother on the other hand, who is my Godmother, a.k.a. AT MY BAPTISM!…wished me a very lovely birthday. Most sincere, I assure you. But, it’s not really my birthday. Hence, she’s the nicest person ever in my family.
I know I’m still lying though! I rarely do it, so why not for fun, right? So I figure, let’s just see how long this game would go on.
Some of the earlier giveaway comments got deleted by mistake…or maybe on purpose. It didn’t matter, the flood gates have been opened. But now that the giveaway comments are viewable, I want to see if people would do their homework and see if it was really my birthday.
Sunday morning rolls around. I figured, the cat’s out of the bag. There’s no more wishes coming my way. Well, I login to Facebook, and sure enough, we’re up to 200 wishes now. More people are catching on, of course. At this point, this is when I figured, ok Social Experiment. Let’s see how many people sincerely wished me happy birthday more than once. Out of the first 200, I already had 3 duplicates. I’m figuring either they know at this point, or they don’t. They shall remain nameless. You’re welcome.
Monday early morning, I peek at my page and I’m at 260 comment. More not so nice as the rest. Do I stop here? Especially after finding out that my idea wasn’t so unique. My doppelganger, Kim J. Ill presented me with this:
So I replied to Kevin with the following:
“I’m not stopping until Mark Zuckerberg wishes me a happy birthday, and acknowledges there’s a bug in his software. Why am I allowed to change my birthday? It’s the only hard fact about any 1 person. And dare I say it…it’s a danger to kids who can say they’re 18/21 when they’re not…and then someone gets in trouble for being a pedo all because Mark said it was ok. If Mark’s not available, then I’ll unhappily accept wishes from Jesse Eisenberg.”
After being in my Facebook playground all weekend, getting happy birthday wishes, which almost blew up my iPhone, I head back to work. One of the first people I see in my building says, “Happy birthday!” Wow! It’s reached beyond what I expected. So Melinda, that makes you the nicest person at my work. As this point I’m thinking, ok it’s my birthday until no one says Happy Birthday for a whole day. (Excluding the unknowing duplicate offenders. Nitwits.)
By Wednesday, I’ve come to the conclusion that people really hate you on your 5th birthday in a row. I chalked it up as jealousy though, because they didn’t think of this dumb idea first. Believe me, doing this isn’t all rainbows and naked chicks sprawled out around my house. Some people say mean shit to you when they’re pissed off! But I still don’t care, we’re going at least a full week now.
So today, Friday 8/12/11, it’s the end of my fake birthdays-in-a-row stunt. One full week of seeing my name on the Bday List. Facebook’s beloved banner of awesomeness for one whole day. Say not a word and ye shall be seen on Facebook on their day. Ok, you see what I’m getting at.
For all of you who had a birthday during my stupid stunt, I apologize profusely for what I felt like was, parading over your day. I really would like to say, I hope you had a marvelous birthday, and happened to get a chuckle if you knew what I was up to.
To all of my friends here in this fabulous world of Facebook, may I just say this, I’m sorry for using you as lab rats sometimes. It’s not fair, I know. But it’s a brain eat brain world out there, and if you’re not thinking faster than the rest, then somebody’s going to “get you” best.
So in the end, I can say one thing for sure. Politeness trumps annoyance, every day of the week. Around 400 or so of you wished me a happy birthday this week. Thank you, by the way. And about 100 of you wanted me to just fall on my birthday cake knife already. But there were no cakes, thank goodness. But where were the rest of you so-called FB friends? Have you all hidden me, you sons-of-bitches!? Or are you saying you have a life outside Facebook? If so, does Mark know? If not, I’m telling him and he’s going to change something again on Facebook that you’re eventually going to need and Like. I guess this means I’ve just created my first unfriend list ever.
-The Numbers-
Friends: 1110
Total Happy Birthday Wishes: 443
Total who I think knew at first: 15
Total who wished, then realized and deleted their own wish right away: 3
Total sincere duplicate offenders: 3
Total joking duplicates: 15 (There were 3 that are getting the benefit of doubt.)
Total who claimed I need attention: 9
Total family members: 8 (I expected 3 not to know.)
FYI: When the stunt was over and I went to change my birth date back on Facebook, I saw this message:
“Note: you can only change your birthday a limited number of times.” Along with a confirmation box for my real age.
Then after applying the date back to my real birthday, another message appears:
“You have already changed your birthday recently, so you have to wait a week from your last change.” DAMMUT!
Here is what I saved of the actual birthday comments. This is the first time I’m sharing them publicly. You have to read it backwards (bottom to top) if you want to read them in order.
Mark P
It’s not funny anymore.
4 hours ago
Megan D
happy birthday chris!!
7 hours ago
Ted H
Hey Chris — Happy BD to you.
9 hours ago
Soleil Z
“Nothing makes me happier than getting 125 messages on my Facebook wall on my birthday,” said one user, but others doubt they’re heartfelt and change or remove their birthday. Do you enjoy receiving digital birthday greetings on Facebook?
Why some people don’t want birthday greetings on Facebook
For most people, logging into Facebook on your birthday means feeling like the most popular person in the world. Notifications flood your inbox, new wall posts appear with each page refresh and everyone seems to “like” anything you say.
9 hours ago
Soleil Z
i get it now.. it makes u ‘feel popular’! hahaha!
9 hours ago
Carli D
Holy crap happy birthday again, again,again etc….
10 hours ago
Soleil Z
12 hours ago
Chris Scamuffa Geez…you don’t have to be so mean. It’s my birthday, you know!
12 hours ago
Chris Scamuffa
12 hours ago
Soleil Z
it’s time for an intervention.. & susan powter will be leading it..
12 hours ago
Jeff B
I guess today is not the day…
15 hours ago
Joanne H
Happy Birthday Man!
16 hours ago
Evan M
How long is ur birthday going to be?
16 hours ago ·
Nick Scamuffa
You should do it every day until no one wishes you hb for a whole day.
Thursday at 10:41pm
Holly M
Thursday at 10:40pm
Nick K
Holly you be nice to my man and wish him a happy birthday
11 hours ago
Anne C
Happy Birthday Chris, from Carlisle
Thursday at 8:36pm
Julie D
Aunt Anne, don’t fall for his birthday scheme! LOL It’s been Chris’ birthday everyday for the past two weeks! LOL ;)
Thursday at 8:38pm
Jaime B
Seriously? everyday???
Thursday at 7:42pm
Tara Ann M
Happy Birthday Chris!!!!
Thursday at 3:59pm
Jennifer B
I hope your 5th birthday in a row is as relaxing as this nice lady’s voice.
Thursday at 3:53pm
Stephanie Z
I think I said Happy Birthday to you last week & maybe even yesterday but you deserve it! Happy Birthday!!
Thursday at 3:27pm
Angel M
I crack up when fb tells me its your bday:)
Thursday at 2:19pm
Maureen B
Happy birthday!!!
Thursday at 2:13pm
Dan Q
Happy Birthmonth!
Thursday at 2:03pm
Jill R
Happy Birthday!
Thursday at 12:08pm
Jennifer B
Happy Birthday!!!
Thursday at 12:08pm
Nichole S
Happy 40th, you look great!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday at 11:19am
Joanne M
So sorry I missed your birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday today!!!
Thursday at 10:51am
Denise B
happy bday ! i wish we knew last night ,the ladies would have gave u lap dances…lmao
Thursday at 10:26am
Chris O
My Name’s C-Muff, I need attention.
Thursday at 10:14am
Horace E
Happy birthday….again. And Happy birthday tomorrow also! Another milestone next week? Enjoy…your gift is in the mail.
Thursday at 9:29am ·
John M
Happy Birthday!
Thursday at 7:19am
Alexandra K
happy birthday cmuff.. lemmee know where you’re ready for a flip cup rematch you embarrassment
Thursday at 5:37am
Renae G
Happy Birthday Chris!!
Thursday at 2:04am
Erin M
Happy Birthday! Good times tonight
Thursday at 2:04am
Sean L
happy b-day chris.
Thursday at 12:36am
Paul S
Happy birthday
Thursday at 12:30am
Anjali B
Happy Birthday!
Wednesday at 10:11pm
Lisa B
happy birthday!
Wednesday at 9:19pm
Maria B
Happy Birthday
Wednesday at 8:15pm
Jaime S
Happy Birthday week
Wednesday at 8:14pm
Jason F
coulda sworn?
Wednesday at 7:49pm
Ay Jay
way to be a real pig … birthday for a full week …. wow you live your life in such excess
Wednesday at 6:59pm
Linda G
You must be pretty goddam old if you have a birthday every day.
Wednesday at 6:56pm
Tony G
it’s your Birthday Again
Wednesday at 4:57pm
L.m. B
Happy Birthday!!
Wednesday at 4:50pm
Brian M
Sorry.. Almost missed ya…Happy Birthday!
Wednesday at 4:43pm
Cherie B
I think he’s pushing 60 now! Slow down cmuff!!!
Wednesday at 4:55pm
Christopher R
Im watching these guys put your transmission back together and they painted it grey so it looks new! They really got you!
Wednesday at 1:14pm
Christopher R
I don’t know you!
Wednesday at 2:51pm
Ay Jay eat shit
….. come ‘on …. i wanna read all your you know you’re from overbrook lines … i’m sure you take the cake
Wednesday at 4:28pm
Sandy G
Happy Birthday Chris!
Wednesday at 12:16pm
Lou A
HaP…….I wonder who has a better shot Scamuff/Zuckerberg or…….
Wednesday at 11:47am
Lou A
Those two lushes! They are cool as shit…..
Wednesday at 12:17pm
Olive N
I love Jim and Dan Amen! We go waaaaay back! Partied are faces off :p
Wednesday at 10:00pm
Nichole S
I was told I have to much time on my hands with dressing my daughter flower up, but I disagree now. I think that it is you that might have to much time on your hands, or maybe you just need some long overdue attention and a hug! : )
Wednesday at 11:46am
Ani G
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday buddy!!!!!! I hope you have an amazing day :) xoxo
Wednesday at 9:46am
Holly M
You suck
Wednesday at 9:39am
Chris Scamuffa You’re just mad you didn’t think of it first. Happy birthday!
Wednesday at 9:42am
Denny M
Birthday scams without any presents, Not good…..
Wednesday at 9:50am
Crista Marie
I’m not sure what’s more annoying~ the overbrook page or that it’s ur fuckin bday all month :) XO
Wednesday at 9:11am
Lynda S
Happy Birthday Chris!
Wednesday at 7:40am
Stephanie W
it can’t be his bday everyday lmao
Wednesday at 7:50am
Carl A
This WAS funny
Wednesday at 7:14am
Frank J
Hoping that was someone’s name you were screaming … Waiting for the next post …
Wednesday at 4:54am
Patricia A
Thank you!
August 9 at 10:54pm
Andrea C
Happy Birthday, Chris!
August 9 at 9:54pm
Julie D
Well Happy Birthday doll! How old are we today? ;)
August 9 at 8:53pm
Tricia C
How many birthdays do you have? LOL!
August 9 at 7:20pm
Brian M
Happy birthday for tomorrow.
August 9 at 6:47pm
Trista R
happy birthday !!!
August 9 at 6:21pm
Dan K
“March 24, 1976”
August 9 at 6:03pm
Chris Scamuffa The day that would live in infamy?
August 9 at 6:43pm
Jason F
HBD bro!!
August 9 at 6:02pm
Vikki M
Your birthdays last a month like mine :)
August 9 at 5:21pm
Kathy S
Happy birthday!!
August 9 at 4:27pm
Tracey B
Happy birthday Chris :)
August 9 at 4:08pm
Brian McCarthy
Are you 45–50 now?
August 9 at 4:04pm
Dan K
May you and Anderson have a happy health life together…let me know if you need me to be character witness for the same sex adoption’ll be difficult but you’ll get by
August 9 at 4:09pm
William G
I can’t wait to wish you a Happy Death Day….
August 9 at 3:52pm
Brian M
HBD AGAIN…. Man, you are getting old quickly…..
August 9 at 3:46pm
Danny M
so how many bdays u got pal
August 9 at 3:20pm
Peter K
happy birthday man! keep making us laugh!!!
August 9 at 3:01pm
Ernie I
Happy birthday Chris! Enjoy your day!
August 9 at 12:59pm
Heather G
is everyday gonna be your birthday?
August 9 at 12:57pm
Carley P
happy 74th! you look great!
August 9 at 12:38pm
Michelle P
happy birthday…i hope you are having great days!!!!
August 9 at 12:36pm
Michelle P
and i agree with the reason you are doing this
August 9 at 12:41pm
Anthony P
When is th birthday week over haha
August 9 at 12:31pm
Chris Scamuffa
It’s not a date
August 9 at 2:27pm
Anthony P
Is it a magic phrase or does some kind of event have to take place?
August 9 at 5:41pm
Jeremy H
Happy 5th birthday!!
August 9 at 11:08am
Lou A
HaPPy Bir…….WTF! All we need is the Pennsylvania Polka song at its GroundHog Day!!!
August 9 at 10:18am
Chris Scamuffa I’m a god. I’m not *the* God… I don’t think.
August 9 at 11:24am
Christine M
Were you starved for attention as a child? :)
August 9 at 9:58am
John S
HAppy B-day Chris. Are you trying to hurry up and get to 65 to collect social security before its 100% gone
August 9 at 9:28am
Mandy R
I noticed your birthday is every day so I’m just going to wish you a happy birth year!!!
August 9 at 9:05am
Chris O
I love that you keep changing your b-day and everyone keeps falling for it. Well played, sir.
August 9 at 8:28am
Carli D
Happy birthday Chris and boy have you aged in the last 4 birthdays!
August 9 at 8:15am
Kristine K
Happy Happy birthday Chris! Make a great day!!!
August 9 at 8:12am
Carl A
i feel like at the end of birthday week chris is gonna put the names off all the people that wished him happy birthday on his actual birthday into a hat and pick a winner for some kinda prize
August 9 at 7:14am
Joy C
Happy birthday, Chris!
August 9 at 6:52am
David G
somebody help this man….he’s stuck in a Groundhog’s Day situation.
August 9 at 5:24am
Joanne K
Happy birthday!! Hope It’s a great one!
August 9 at 4:27am
Michael S
happy birthday
August 9 at 1:05am
Francis K
Oh shit…fb is stupid! I thought yesterday was your b-day. We share the same born date. Cheers to us! Ha!
August 9 at 12:28am
Stephanie W
it says its his bday everyday lmao he’s hysterical
Wednesday at 8:21am
Francis K
HAHA…ain’t that some shit ya lucky bastard! Well then…happy birthday(S)!
Wednesday at 11:57am
Jason G
Nice muffin-top.
August 9 at 12:24am
Jennifer B
Looks like Michael Moore with bangs.
August 9 at 6:39am
Rob A
Happy Birthday, My Man
August 8 at 10:46pm
Chris H
happy birthday
August 8 at 9:50pm ·
Jennifer R
Happy birfday to you….. i am sooooo jealous you get so many birfdays… mark gets mad at me for making my day a whole month…. but you deserve at least a week… even though i kick your ass at nhl 11. LOVE YOU CMUFF!!!!!!
August 8 at 9:50pm
Jennifer R
August 8 at 9:52pm
Chris Scamuffa You’re on at the end of September/October, missy. I’m getting ’12 the night it comes out. Maybe I’ll get it for my birthday that day. We’ll see.
August 8 at 10:48pm
Jennifer R
apparently we are getting ’12 as well. ill beat your ass old man!!!!
August 8 at 10:51pm
Elaine S
Happy Birthday! i hope you are having a great day!
August 8 at 9:26pm
Shelly S
Happy Birthday Spongebob!
August 8 at 9:07pm
Omar S
Happy Birthday Homie!
August 8 at 8:32pm
Ay Jay
August 8 at 8:29pm
Joey Pigeon Canaris
Happy birthday
August 8 at 7:41pm
Stacey G
Happy Birthday Man!!
August 8 at 7:40pm
Adam L
Have a happy birthday my dude!!!
August 8 at 7:28pm
Jaime S
This is my first time wishing you a Happy Birthday! Not sure when your actual birthday is, since it has been your birthday for the past 3 days, but hope you’re enjoying it!
August 8 at 7:23pm
Francesca G
Happy birthday!
August 8 at 6:54pm
Dan K
Anderson Cooper and Chris forever
August 8 at 5:51pm
Hugh S
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 8 at 5:30pm
Scott W
Happy Birthday Chris!!!
August 8 at 5:14pm
Michael A
You’re a liar, Mr. Scamuffa! :-)
August 8 at 5:05pm
Chris Scamuffa No, the government lies. I’m just having fun. “I was only jokin’”
August 8 at 5:12pm
Tara Ann M
Happy B-Day!!!
August 8 at 4:39pm
Miruna S
happy birthday you filty animal! :)
August 8 at 4:29pm
Chris Scamuffa
Stay focused and look at the positives of a crashing market. Now you can get in while the gettin’s good. (Just make sure it’s finished crashing) Apple is down to $356 a share. Oh, yay!
August 8 at 4:23pm
Carl A
TAke your money that you doubled in gold out and buy stocks. That is if you can weather a litte storm and hold it two years. You should be able to double your money
August 8 at 5:48pm
Brian M
The stock market at 20,000 is meaningless if the buying power of a dollar is cut by 50%…. With inflation at a “real” 11% annually, it’s a wash, but the bigger number will make you feel cooler.
Buy and own hard assets. Take possession of physical gold/silver. QE3 is RIGHT AROUND the corner, so the market may go up, but our buying power will be cut by more than the increase…..
August 8 at 6:00pm
Vinnie Z
Its been your birthday for like Three days straight.
August 8 at 4:04pm
Chris Scamuffa When you get to my age, and my age, and my age…you’ll understand.
August 8 at 4:12pm
Julian S
Happy Birthday Pisan.
August 8 at 2:28pm
Sandy M
Happy Bday, Chris! All day long!
August 8 at 2:16pm
Helene S
Funny how people who are on to you are still saying happy birthday, I see this never ending, job well done oh and happy birthday. Lol.
August 8 at 2:07pm
Cherie B
It is his bday year!!!!!
August 8 at 2:28pm
Andrew B
Hey chris Happy Birthday I never knew our birthdays were so close enjoy!!!!!!
August 8 at 1:37pm
Denny M
August 8 at 1:27pm
Cherie B
Dude! Lol you take “your birthday month” to such another level! Lol. Love you salami!
Happy birthday year!
August 8 at 1:13pm
Greg A
happy b-day
August 8 at 12:53pm
Julie D
There is something wrong with you….but I still love ya!
August 8 at 12:48pm
Kirstyn E
Happy Birthday ScaMuff!!!!!
August 8 at 11:15am
Marita M
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 8 at 11:13am
Tracy H
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!
August 8 at 10:55am
Lisa S
Happy Birthday Chris! Enjoy your special day!
August 8 at 10:49am
Soleil Z
happy 77th birthday!
August 8 at 10:28am
Erica B
happy birthday
August 8 at 10:14am
John L
Have a good one
August 8 at 10:12am
Joanne M
Happy Birthday Chris…. I hope you had a great day today, yesterday and the day before.
August 8 at 10:11am
Chris G
Happy Birthday!
August 8 at 10:06am
Marty Q
Happy birthday!
August 8 at 9:25am
Heather G
Happy Birthday Chris, have a great day !!!
August 8 at 9:14am
Jill D
Happy birthday! Hope you have an awesome day!
August 8 at 9:14am
Ted H
Chris — Happy BD. Hope you have a great day.
August 8 at 9:13am
Terry O
Hippo Birdie Two Ewe, Hippo Birdie Two Ewe, Hippo Birdie, Dear Chris, Hippo Birdie Two Ewe!!
August 8 at 9:03am
Peg J
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 8 at 9:03am
Carli D
Happy 3rd day birthday
August 8 at 8:47am
Jason W
Happy Birthday!
August 8 at 8:44am
Sean F
Happy birthday Scum
August 8 at 7:58am
Zeke H
Happy Birthday and stay thristy my friend.
August 8 at 7:51am
Alexis M
Look, you get one birthday wish out of me per year, and you just used it up. Now what are you going to do on your actual birthday when I don’t wish you a happy birthday? You’ll go sit in a corner and cry, that’s what. Just remember, you brought this upon yourself.
August 8 at 7:47am
Julie K
Happy Birthday, Chris!
August 8 at 7:44am
John M
Happy Birthday!!
August 8 at 7:32am
Carl A
Chris Scamuffa is in a relationship with Mark Zuckerberg. Its complicated. But how else would it be his birthday 3 days in a row. What are you, my wife, with a birthday week????
August 8 at 7:17am
Carl At
at this rate Chris will be 50 by Saturday
August 8 at 7:15am
Horace E
Happy Birthday…old man, stick around to see many more!
August 8 at 7:04am ·
Maria S
You know you’re from Overbrook when your birthday is every day.
August 8 at 6:40am
Jennifer B
I woke up feeling as if I was in the Twilight Zone. You know that feeling you get when you realize that it’s Chris Scamuffa’s birthday……again.
August 8 at 6:16am · View Post · Remove Tag
Margaret H
you are older than Billy now with all your birthday HaHa
August 8 at 4:52am
Bill H
Thanks mom
August 8 at 6:00am
Michelle C
I want to be Chris Scamuffa when I grow up with all of these Birthday’s!! lol Happy Birthday whenever it is……
August 8 at 12:34am
Kim J. Ill
Stop it.
The Life and Times of David Chen: The Facebook Birthday Experiment
Exactly CSL. I took down my birthday to see how many people would remember without facebook. The results were unsurprisingly similar to yours.
August 8 at 12:11am
Chris Scamuffa I’m not stopping until Mark Zuckerberg wishes me a happy birthday, and acknowledges there’s a bug in his software. Why am I allowed to change my birthday? It’s the only hard fact about any 1 person. And dare I say it…it’s a danger to kids who can say they’re 18/21 when they’re not…and then someone gets in trouble for being a pedo all because Mark said it was ok. If Mark’s not available, then I’ll unhappily accept wishes from Jesse Eisenberg.
August 8 at 12:50am
Kim J. Ill
How do you feel about the argument that you should not be hit with a statutory charge if you picked up a girl at a bar? That being said, if a kid misrepresents their age, do we blame fb? Can we blame the parents for not paying enough atte…
See More
August 8 at 12:57am
Ani G
I want to know when we are having your bday party
August 7 at 11:11pm
Michelle C
I want to come too…..
August 8 at 12:34am
Steve O
Yo Chris I know you are a big boy and all but I didn’t realize it two days for your mom to pop you out! Happy Birthday again!!! LOL
August 7 at 10:13pm
Joey C
Happy birthday
August 7 at 10:12pm
Michael S
Happy Birthday Buddy!!!
August 7 at 10:05pm
Lisa B
Happy Birthday!!!
August 7 at 8:09pm
William G
Jeezzzz, it seems like, just yesterday, it was your Birthday… Wow, how time fly’s when you’re old…
August 7 at 6:48pm
Phil B
Happy bday sucka
August 7 at 6:35pm
Shelly L
again?… too funny
August 7 at 6:26pm
Maria S
You are a mess. Haha!!
August 7 at 5:45pm
Linda G
Yppah Yadhtrib sirhC!
August 7 at 5:09pm
Kerri K
Happy Birthday!
August 7 at 5:03pm
Jen M
Happy Birthday!!
August 7 at 4:18pm
Chris M
Happy Birthday C-Muff!! I would like to share with you the best line of the week from the Opie and Anthony Show…On August 4th Opie informed us that “on this day in history Ann Frank lost her game of Hide-and-go-seek”…
August 7 at 4:09pm
James D
Happy Birthday, cousin !
August 7 at 3:41pm
Lucy K
Happy Birthday!
August 7 at 3:40pm
Elaine S
Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a great day!
August 7 at 3:22pm
Ani G
I have no words…… This is hysterical!
August 7 at 3:19pm
Ann Marie B
happy birfday, christopher. I hope you’re having a wonderful day
August 7 at 3:16pm
Jack W
happy b-day bro
August 7 at 3:16pm
Jenn D
Hmm… Judging by some of these posts your birthday is definitely not today and this is another awesome C-Muff joke, but since I don’t know when your real birthday is I’ll go along with it. Happy Birthday!!! :)
August 7 at 3:03pm
Danielle C
is this the birthday version of groundhog day?
August 7 at 1:53pm
Shiri S
Happy birthday Chris!!
August 7 at 1:45pm
Joanne M
Do you have anything special planned for your birthday tomorrow?
August 7 at 1:39pm
Joanne M
I would never cheat on my true love, the gunner.
August 7 at 1:58pm
Chris H
I admire your loyalty
August 7 at 2:32pm
Brian K
Happy Birthday Scamuffa!
August 7 at 1:37pm
Andrea C
Happy Birthday, Chris!
August 7 at 1:24pm
Ken C
Happy Birthday fella.
August 7 at 1:19pm
Anne C
Hope it’s a great birthday, and all your wishes come true.
August 7 at 1:17pm
Jeff B
careful — at this rate, you’ll catch up to me soon…
August 7 at 12:47pm
Tricia C
Happy Birthday Chris! Hope it’s a great one!!
August 7 at 12:40pm
Stephanie Z
August 7 at 12:30pm
Nicole HB
I really think something is wrong with you!!!!!I want to know what was the purpose of saying yesterday and today is your birthday!!!!
August 7 at 12:16pm
Helene S
TO drive everyone crazy….lol.
August 7 at 12:29pm
Bill H
And he does it so well!!
August 7 at 12:51pm
Linda Scamuffa
if he gets the most comments ever on facebook 3 days running he wins the internet — -all of it!
August 7 at 1:57pm
Bill H Sr.
Every Day is a birthday huh Chris ? lol, Happy Everyday lol
August 7 at 12:16pm
Helene S
Lol can’t believe the response, lmao.
August 7 at 12:12pm
Chris B
Lol. Nice.
August 7 at 2:58pm
Helene S
hes a jokester
August 7 at 10:03pm
Robert B
happy bday man
August 7 at 11:52am
Dan Q
Happy birthday!
August 7 at 11:34am
Maria B
Happy Birthday Chris….hidin ur age from being old….lol j/k have good day
August 7 at 11:25am
Christopher R
Its not his birthday!
August 7 at 11:26am
Chris Scamuffa Narc!
August 7 at 11:28am
Christopher R
Come on your tying up my news screen!
August 7 at 11:37am
Maggie S
OMG. Hahahahahaha.
August 7 at 11:16am
Chris Scamuffa Don’t laugh at me! It’s my birthday.
August 7 at 11:16am
Chris Scamuffa
August 7 at 11:35am
Christine M
Groundhog’s Day or you’re a sick man!
August 7 at 11:12am
Chris Scamuffa ?~Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don’t forget your booties ’cause it’s cooooold out there today.
~It’s coooold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?
August 7 at 11:19am
Christine M
You ARE a sick man!! Hahaha
August 7 at 11:42am
Jennifer S
Ummm yeah i may be lacking sleep but I know it’s not March 24
August 7 at 11:10am
Art S
Happy Birthday Chris!!!
August 7 at 11:06am
Julie D
I swear I wished you Happy Birthday yesterday….am I loosing my mind??? Love you!
August 7 at 10:58am
Brian S
Happy birthday brother
August 7 at 10:50am
Paul M H
H, Ha, Hap, Happ, Happy, Happy B, Happy Bi, Happy Bir, Happy Birt, Happy Birth, Happy Birthd, Happy Birthda, Happy Birthday Chris! :)
August 7 at 10:49am
Sarah S
Happy Birthday:)
August 7 at 10:40am
Lindsey D
Happy birthday! :) Hope you have a great day!
August 7 at 10:21am
Bob D
Happy birthday
August 7 at 10:17am
Becki C
Happy Birthday!
August 7 at 10:16am
Linda C
happy birthday chris didnt know u and angela had the same birthday
August 7 at 10:11am
Don T
Happy Birthday Chris
August 7 at 10:02am
Gina D
Happy Birthday Chris!!
August 7 at 9:59am
Dan K
Enough with rotating birthdays and days you finally came out.
Sell the house, move to new york and finally join Anderson Cooper in a long lasting civil union
August 7 at 9:56am
Wayne H likes this.
Chris Scamuffa Don’t be jelly cause I thought of it first. Oh, and will you be my maid of horror?…I mean honor?
August 7 at 10:21am
Dan K
Yes and the horrible speech that nick delivered at my wedding will be nothing compared to the damage I will inflict
August 7 at 11:09am
Brian M
Hbd schnookems.
August 7 at 9:50am
Mike C
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 7 at 9:40am
Holly M
Your a real jackass! Lmao
August 7 at 9:35am
Carley P
happy birthday jackass!
August 7 at 10:43am
Valerie H
Happy Birthday Chris!!
August 7 at 9:35am
Annie S
Happy Birthday, Chris!
August 7 at 9:28am
Stacey P
Happy Birthday!!!!!! Enjoy!
August 7 at 9:09am
Bernadette K
Happy birthday!
August 7 at 8:59am
Patty S
Happpppppy Birthday Chris :)
August 7 at 8:39am
Carli D
Happy bday again
August 7 at 8:33am
Yvet H
I thought I was losing my mind. I knew I wished a happy birthday yesterday. LOL
August 7 at 9:26am
Carli D
It wasn’t then either
August 7 at 9:31am
Yvet H
August 7 at 9:33am
Rebecca A
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 7 at 8:14am
Tim W
Happy birthday
August 7 at 7:19am
John G (Greek)
xronia polla xristo
August 7 at 5:39am
Gregg M
August 7 at 3:04am
Paul S
Happy birthday Chris!
August 7 at 1:00am
Francis K
Oh shit…Happy B-Day man!
August 7 at 12:50am
Chris Scamuffa lol, thanks
August 7 at 12:50am
Jennifer B
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 7 at 12:22am
Chris Scamuffa That’s the same thing my parents said when they met me.
August 7 at 12:49am
Jennifer B
You will burn in hell with gasoline draws on!!! Yeah I said draws…
August 7 at 12:52am
John M
Happy birthday!!
August 7 at 12:21am
Maria S
Happy Birthday!!
August 7 at 12:10am
Vikki M
Happy Birthday Chris :)
August 7 at 12:06am
Joe D
Happy birthday QP
August 6 at 11:43pm
Chris B
Happy birthday
August 6 at 11:35pm
Helene S
August 7 at 12:25am
Chris H
Happy birthday
August 6 at 11:15pm ·
Vinnie Z
Happy Birthday Cuz !!!!!!!!!
August 6 at 10:59pm
Happy bday Chris!
August 6 at 10:43pm
Tara N
Happy Birthday
August 6 at 10:18pm
Michelle C
Happy Birthday Chris!!
August 6 at 10:17pm
Ani G
It’s a lie. It’s not his bday.
August 6 at 10:49pm
Chris Scamuffa Narc!
August 6 at 10:53pm
Michelle C
Hahaha that’s Ani always looking out ;)
August 6 at 10:55pm
Dan D
Happy Birthday
August 6 at 10:15pm
Ellie S
happy happy happy love bug!! I hope you are having a wonderful birthday! let’s catch up soon! xoxox
August 6 at 9:56pm
Rossano C
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 6 at 9:56pm
Christa D
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 9:51pm
Paul M H
H, Ha, Hap, Happ, Happy, Happy B, Happy Bi, Happy Bir, Happy Birt, Happy Birth, Happy Birthd, Happy Birthda, Happy Birthday Chris! :)
August 6 at 9:48pm
Tanya T
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 9:39pm ·
Karen C
Happy birthday!
August 6 at 8:34pm
Ernie I
Happy Birthday Chris! Have a terrific day!
August 6 at 8:15pm
Matthew M
Happy birthday, C-Muff!
August 6 at 8:13pm
Angela S
Happy Birtnday Chris hope you had a great day!!!!
August 6 at 8:07pm
Jessica S
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 7:58pm
Sharon N
Happy Birthday Chris hope it’s a good one.
August 6 at 7:18pm
Alexander M
happy bday good sir
August 6 at 7:05pm
Gregg S Jr.
August 6 at 7:04pm
Renae G
Happy Birthday Chris!! hope you get everything you wish for!!!
August 6 at 6:50pm
Theresa R
Happy birthday Chris!!
August 6 at 6:48pm
John R
Nice one Muff!
August 6 at 6:45pm
Jason B
Happy Birthday
August 6 at 6:28pm
Evan M
Happy bday Muff
August 6 at 6:11pm ·
Erin O
happy birthday enjoy
August 6 at 6:04pm
Warren S
happy birthday chris!!
August 6 at 5:50pm
Jessica W
Happy Birthday Chris!!!
August 6 at 5:50pm
Michele R
Happyyyy Birthdayyyy :)
August 6 at 5:45pm
Jeannie M
Happy Birthday!!!
August 6 at 5:19pm
Kristen L
Happy birthday Chris! Hope it is great and that you are doing well!
August 6 at 5:17pm
Tony G
Chris, Hope you have a Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 5:05pm
Jim B
happy birthday bro…
August 6 at 4:59pm
Heather G
Happy Birthday !!
August 6 at 11:54pm
Peg J
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 6 at 4:58pm
David R (<-We have the same real birthday)
Happy Birthday I wish u the best Enjoy!
August 6 at 4:53pm
Marie O
Happy Birthday!! cheers to another year buddy! :)
August 6 at 4:46pm
Nate’ C
Happy Birthday Chris! Enjoy your day.
August 6 at 4:46pm
Kelly C
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 6 at 4:39pm
Carolyn B
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 4:38pm
Jennifer G
Happy Birthday!!
August 6 at 4:37pm
Carli D
It not his real bday. He ahole I just found out
August 6 at 5:32pm
Sean W
Happy birthday Chris have a great day
August 6 at 4:19pm
Jamie L
Happy Birthday, Old Man! Hope it’s great!
August 6 at 4:01pm
A. D. V.
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 6 at 3:57pm
Jessica S
Happy B day!
August 6 at 3:44pm
Dennis S
happy bday kid..enjoy
August 6 at 3:39pm
Amy B
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
August 6 at 3:39pm
Christina D
Happy Biryhday!!!
August 6 at 3:29pm
Michelle D
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 3:23pm
Kathleen K
happy birthday!! hope its a great day!!
August 6 at 2:58pm
Joanne H
Happy Birthday Man!
August 6 at 2:48pm
Lisa K
Now that’s funny! You got the same Bday as my dad so I know today is not it ;)
August 6 at 2:20pm
Sean A
Happy Birthday Chris!!
August 6 at 2:18pm
Katie B
Happy Birthday!! Hope you get everything you wished for!
August 6 at 2:16pm
Nicole I
Happy Birthday!!
August 6 at 2:10pm
Yvet H
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 1:33pm
Michael A
Happy birthday Scamuffa!
August 6 at 1:29pm
L.m. B
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 1:26pm
Jill H
Happy Birthday Chris!!
August 6 at 1:22pm
Holly M
August 6 at 1:18pm
Colleen J
Happy Birthday Chris!!
August 6 at 1:15pm
Michelle Di
Happy bday!
August 6 at 1:09pm
Jennifer A
Happy birthday!
August 6 at 12:52pm
Amy D
happy birthday!!!
August 6 at 12:48pm
Steve K
Happy Birthday Chris! Hope you have a great day!
August 6 at 12:46pm
Amber K
Happy birthday
August 6 at 12:44pm
Art S
Happy Birthday Chris!!!
August 6 at 12:24pm
Joanne M
Does someone need attention…. awwww
August 6 at 12:21pm
Jennifer B
I can’t believe its gone on for this long!
August 6 at 12:56pm
Joanne M
I know… and something tells me its is only the beginning.
August 6 at 12:57pm
Denise F
Happy Birthday Chris… hope ya have a good day, and an AMAZING year ahead!!! :)
August 6 at 12:09pm
Anna C
were you reborn? I didn’t get a call!
August 6 at 12:06pm ·
Julie D Ok, so I’m not loosing it?? I thought I wished him a happy birthday yesterday………..
August 7 at 10:59am
Christopher R
How many times a year do you want me to say happy birthday?
August 6 at 11:55am
Eric R
Happy birthday!
August 6 at 11:44am
Maureen C
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 11:40am
Robert L
yo yo yo ! Happy Birthday to the hottest dj on the airwaves and internet! The KupMuff show rocks!!! have a GREAT birthday my cuzzin ! love you all and kiss your mom and tell her rocky says hello adrian! Love you Chris! bobby
August 6 at 11:34am
Chris Scamuffa
Sometimes I think I’m smarter than Mark Zuckerberg…but then I look at my bank account and snap out of it.
August 6 at 11:32am
Lou Amen
HaPPy B’day Chris !!!
August 6 at 11:29am
Chris Scamuffa LOL!
August 6 at 11:30am
William G
Happy Birthday Big Dawg!!!
August 6 at 11:27am
William G
I take it back, I ain’t nobody’s fool! Hahaha!!
August 7 at 6:59pm
Jennifer S
I don’t know what is funnier 1. The fact that today is not your birthday or 2. The people that have known you your whole life that fell for it!!
August 6 at 11:25am
Dan K
Yeah I was thinking the same thing
Tell him how proud your are now that he’s out and free
August 6 at 11:33am
Nicole HB i must agree
August 6 at 1:34pm
Charlie H
Happy birthday cuz, have a great day man
August 6 at 11:22am
Chip C
Happy B-Day!
August 6 at 11:16am
Michael C
Happy birthday Chris!
August 6 at 11:10am
Mark R
Happy birfday brother
August 6 at 11:10am
Donna T
Happy Birthday Chris!!!
August 6 at 11:08am
Kelly E
Happy Birthday Chris! Cheers!
August 6 at 11:01am
Vinny T
August 6 at 10:58am
Natalie P
Happy Birthday, Hope you have a great one!!!
August 6 at 10:56am
Alexis M
Hey! Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 10:52am
Tom C
Happy Birthday Chris! Have a great day!
August 6 at 10:25am
Paul M
Happy Bday Chris…enjoy my man!
August 6 at 10:23am
Kimberly G
Happy birthday!!!
August 6 at 10:23am
Bill H Sr.
happy birthday Chris have a great day
August 6 at 10:21am
Kim J. Ill
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 10:17am
Michael Anne M
Happy Birthday Chris …..enjoy your day
August 6 at 10:12am
Stephanie W
happy bday
August 6 at 10:10am
Marty Q
Happy birthday!
August 6 at 10:04am
Bernadette K
Happy birthday! Enjoy your special day!
August 6 at 10:04am
Andrew K
Happy birthday CMuff
August 6 at 10:00am
Stephanie C
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 9:59am
Jennifer C
Have a great day!!
August 6 at 9:59am
Maria S
Happy not birthday!!
August 6 at 9:56am
Nick Scamuffa
Your not right :)
August 6 at 9:43am
Jerry Scamuffa Does Mom know!
August 6 at 10:00am
Jerry Scamuffa Well nevermind i guess she does!!!
August 6 at 10:00am
Chay F
Happy birthday Chris!!!
August 6 at 9:42am
Shawna S
Happy Birthday Chris!!!! Have a fantastic day!!!
August 6 at 9:42am
Julie D
Happy Birthday! Love you!
August 6 at 9:41am
Amy B
Happy Birthday Chris!!!
August 6 at 9:41am
Mandy R
Happy Birthday!!!
August 6 at 9:41am
John I
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 9:40am
Sarah P
Happy birthday
August 6 at 9:30am
Michele S
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 9:26am
Howard R
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 9:18am
Annie S
Happy Birthday, Chris!
August 6 at 9:15am
Denise M
Happy bday chriis!!
August 6 at 9:12am
Heather S
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 9:10am
Maggie S
Isn’t your birthday in April? Shit head.
August 6 at 9:05am
Chris Scamuffa Age is just a number
August 6 at 9:49am
Jennifer B
He hasn’t been getting enough attention lately. The new baby stole his thunder :)
August 6 at 10:31am
Christy M
Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great one!
August 6 at 8:53am
Danielle S
Happy birthday chris!
August 6 at 8:53am
Lori G
Happy birthday Chris
August 6 at 8:49am
Joe M
Happy Birthday big guy!!
August 6 at 8:40am
Mike W
happy Birthday Scamuff
August 6 at 5:39pm
Christine E
Happy Birthday Chris!
August 6 at 8:39am
Danielle R
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 8:32am
Paul S
Happy birthday Chris!
August 6 at 8:26am
Carli D
Happy birthday!
August 6 at 8:23am
Dave K
Happy Birthday Chris! Hope it’s a great one!
August 6 at 8:18am
Robin Z
Happy Birthday-you still make me laugh!
August 6 at 8:15am
Joanne M
Today feels like March.
August 6 at 8:12am
Cherie B
happy birthay salami!!!!! hope you have a great day!!
August 6 at 8:12am
Cherie B
i love how you make the rules in life!!! lol feel the extra love for the day!
August 6 at 11:42am
Greg M
Happy Birthday
August 6 at 8:08am
Angela O
Happy birthday!
August 6 at 8:06am
Nicole HB
It is so NOT your birthday…….
August 6 at 8:05am
Vinnie P
happy bornday homie.
August 6 at 8:05am
Mandi P
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 7:49am
Nicole C
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!
August 6 at 7:47am
Crista Marie
Happy birthday:)
August 6 at 7:42am
Vincent C
Happy Birthday Chris! Have a great day!
August 6 at 7:41am
Kimberly K
Happy bday:)
August 6 at 7:38am
Michael M
happy b-day!
August 6 at 7:38am
Antonella B
Happy birthday!!
August 6 at 7:37am
Gina D
Happy Birthday!! Have a good one!!
August 6 at 7:26am
Phillip L
Happy Birthday Chris
August 6 at 7:21am
Holly C
Happy Birthday, Chris.
August 6 at 7:16am
Carl A
happy bday C Muff
August 6 at 7:15am
Mike O
Happy b day cuz
August 6 at 7:11am
Christina F
August 6 at 6:40am
Margaret H
My first Godchild, Happy Birthday hope this day is as great as you are ,love you
August 6 at 6:28am
Jaime B
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 6:23am
David G
Happy Birthday!
August 6 at 6:14am
Nicole G
happy birthday!
August 6 at 5:51am
Steve O
Happy Birthday Chris! Enjoy your day!
August 6 at 5:27am
Soleil Z
August 6 at 4:05am
William F
Happy birthday brotha!!!
August 6 at 2:41am
i didnt know it was yer bday fucker. chris, yer a great friend and a good man and im happy yer a part of my career and my life…enjoy yer day godfather
August 6 at 2:36am
Maria S
Happy Birthday Chris!!
August 6 at 2:19am